About me

About me

My name is Lee I am 25 and live in Fife, Scotland. However I am not Scottish, I'm English! shhhh don't tell anyone :-) I have been living in Scotland for 2 year. I live with my Girlfriend Eve and we have been together for 3 and a bit years (lets hope I got that right before she sees this). I am currently at college and I am hoping (when I grow up) to be a Paramedic.

I have been a fan of real ale for about 6 years. I started to drink ale when I lived in the English Lake District where there seems to be a micro brewery on every corner, all of which make excellent beer. My first home brew was around the same time. It was a large kit from wilkos which if I remember rightly was very nice. However I didn't get in to home brewing after this because it was quicker to go to the pub. over the years in between then and know I brewed very occasionally maybe once a year. we also tried some very odd things that I haven't come a cross again in the brewery world such as floating brown bread on fermenting beer!?

Last year I got in to home brewing on a bigger scale. I brew about twice a month but would like to expand on this. I am luck to have a wonderful girlfriend who docent kick up to much fuss when I make a complete mass of the kitchen every time a brew. This could be something to do with the wine I make her.

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