My Brewrey

I don't really know where to start with this page as my set up has changed and developed so much over the last few months and every home brewers setup is different. I use a HERMS system (Heat Exchange Recirculating Mash System) which is DIY and to be honest is a bit ghetto .I am going to assume the reader has some knowledge of brewing and not go in to detail about the function of each piece of kit.

This is my mash tun

it is made from a 5 gallon fermentation bucket which I warped in B&Q insulation. It holds temp well and has not let me down yet.

As I said above I use a HERMS system in with I use a asda kettle (or walmart if your from the other side of the pond) for the heat exchanger. heres some pics.

HERMS wet test

Heat exchanger

complete system. HLT is on the shelve above which is fitted with an element from the same type of kettle.

False bottom

MY boiler which has 2 asda kettle elements in. the ball valve is missing in this picture. also my DIY counter flow wort chiller which takes 19 ltrs wort from boiling to pitching temp in around 10 minuets.

the system is controlled by this panel which is a working progress.

And this is it all packed away. this is an old picture and there is a lot less free space in there now but it dose all still fit which pleases the misses.

There are many other bits and bobs to my brewery but to much to talk about here but bits will pop up in my other posts.

Thanks for looking.

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